Finish This…


I’m linking up today for the Finish This… hosted by  LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums), BECKY (The Java Mama) and NICOLE (Three 31).  Basically, they provide the prompts and I have to finish the sentences.  My first answers to these questions were pretty harsh on myself, so I went back and tried to answer with a little more positivity. 

I feel stupid when I mess up teaching my Zumba class.  Everyone messes up, but I feel like I’m the one they are paying me to teach so I should be perfect.  When I forget what comes next, it drives me batty!

I hope I never forget to wear a bra 🙂

My one piece of advice to the world is to be yourself.  I am happiest and feel the most confident when I am living up to my expectations instead of trying to live up to everyone else’s. 

Thanks for reading!


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4 Responses to Finish This…

  1. I used to be a ZUMBA® instructor! I totally feel you on this one. It took me FOREVER not to say “oh sorry!!” every time I flubbed up…because I realized that they probably don’t realize what’s coming next so I tried to just go with it! HA! Then there was the time I totally drew a blank and just stopped. THAT wasn’t a good time. LOLLLLLLLL

  2. Nicole says:

    Hey Elizabeth, thanks for joining the Finish This link up! I think it’s super-duper cool you’re Zumba instructor. FUN STUFF. I did Zumba a few times last year while I was pregnant …. I didn’t have rhythm them, and I don’t have it now. No worries if you mess up, just keep moving!!!!

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