Thursday Thoughts


TTGood-copyI’m again linking up with Jennifer at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for her Thursday Thoughts link-up.

~ I think I just took my longest break from blogging ever!  Life has been unbelievably crazy around here this year, so we’ve basically been just trying to get through the days.  In December my husband left his job to start a new career and is back in school for this month.  He was always home to pick the girls up after school and make dinner, so now we are adjusting to me being the first one home at 5:30 ish and fitting everything in that we need/want to do at night.

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~ I’ve had a cold now for 6 weeks.  I’ve tried over the counter medicines, vitamin c…. nothing is helping me kick this.  Any ideas?  I’ve been slacking on my challenge group for healthy eating and exercise because of the cold, but I’m determined to crush it next time.  This salad looks really good!  IMG_8105

~ I placed my first order from PeaPod from Stop and Shop today.  It will be here on Saturday, so I’ll let you know how it goes.  There’s just no time and something had to give, so I gladly gave up grocery shopping. 🙂  Plus, it was so much easier to comparison shop for the cheapest items when I was doing it online instead of in the store. IMG_8106

~ Ella and I are obsessed with the Great British Baking Show.  It’s such a fun show to watch! IMG_8108

~ Ella has a front tooth that’s super loose.  She’s really hoping to lose it at school because they get their name on a board in the nurse’s office and get a little container for the tooth.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed for her!

What’s on your mind this week?


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